Monday, September 24, 2007

Annual Meeting and Cider Making

You are invited to the Annual Meeting of the
Bayfield Regional Conservancy Saturday, September 29, 2007
at Bethesda Lutheran Church in Bayfield, WI
109 S 6th Street (Hwy 13)

9:00 a.m. Annual Meeting and slide show of conservation project updates and board elections.

1:00-4:00 p.m. Apple cider pressing, hikes at the Big Ravine. An afternoon of autumn fun! Bring apples to press, or pick from the old orchard and bring clean containers to take some cider home. Volunteers will lead hikes on the Big Ravine Trails. Join us at the Peterson Farm: take Washington Ave out of Bayfield, through the cemetery to Betzold Rd at the top of the hill. Turn right onto Betzold, go ½ mile and turn right on Martin Rd and follow to the end.
For more information call the BRC
at 715-779-5263.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Fall Newsletter 2007

The summer is slowly coming to an end as fall approaches with cool nights and changing leaves. Check out our fall newsletter to find out what BRC has been up to and information on our upcoming annual meeting and apple cider pressing event. You can view it on line here.